I have lower implants and a denture. Denture broke x 2. Shoddy dentures what should I do?
What can I do about shoddy dentures. I have spent money on lower dentures and the have broken x 3. I keep going to the dentist for repairs and even invested in a new denture. I have had to go without denture for over a week. Return to dentist to pick up repaired denture due to the fact part that fits the implant broke. Got denture back would not fit in my mouth. Dentist stated it was labs fault. She jerryrigged denture so I could have teeth over weekend. Now I have sores in my mouth can't wear denture. What should I do? On fixed income spent most of savings trying to get dentures that fit. She tells me I have to return denture on Monday and be without denture another week.
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Answer: Mandibular implant supported denture
By BracesInfo.com Expert 10
Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for a broken denture. It is recommended that you have a second denture for this very reason. Dentures are made out of acrylic, therefore they break easily when care is not taken. Unless the denture is being dropped, there is no reason it should be breaking so easily. Is it breaking in the same place? If so, that may be an indication that you are occluding too hard in that area, creating unnecessary forces. It may be possible to reinforce this area with a metal mesh under the acrylic. If your dentist took the necessary steps to fabricate a custom denture for you, and it is breaking, the lab should work with the dentist to make the repairs affordable and timely. A week seems like a long time for a denture repair, so the lab may be out of state. Ask your dentist if it is possible to use a local denture lab for a more efficient turn around time.
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