Help appreciated... Messed up braces treatment
The post is long but please read... My former orthodontist messed up my teeth. I have 7mm overjet upper teeth, my bottom teeth are also going forward to cope with my upper teeth. Before the treatment started my former doctor had asked me instead of traditional braces I have a choice to get invisalign, even though my overjet were visible. I am not sure her motive was trying to save my teeth or trying to get more money. I told her I want my teeth to look straight from the side, and I am ready to lose teeth. So we start treatment and I had both my upper 2nd premolars pulled, n 2 bottom 1st premolar pulled. After my gum healed I went back to her, and for some reason she told me to come back every 2 month to get my braces adjusted. Her office was always very busy, the 2nd time i had my braces adjusted(4 months after my teeth r extracted) she literally took 5 minutes on me and i didnt feel any pressure afterwards. Also the wire she used cuts my face. To solve the problem, she put spring over the wire. After talking to a friend and realized better wire materials exist in other practices, i decided to find another doctor. in between finding a new doctor it took me another month. This doctor Im with now took a look at my teeth and said, because my teeth were untreated for so long the 7mm space I had on my upper teeth are closed to 3.5mm now. He\'s now putting a rubber band on my 1st molar and tooth number 4, to pull tooth numbe r 4 to the extracted number 5\'s space. My bottom teeth have enough space but he\'s not doing anything with it. He said he is going to let the back teeth move forward to close the gaps. My now concerns are: A) Is he going the right direction? It seems like to me he is just trying to close all the gaps. he had put on something on my molar teeth and he said is to stop them from moving forward, but I can clearly feel pressure on my molars, doesn\'t it mean they are moving? B) Right now, when I close my mouth I cannot close my teeth. I also notice the rapid space closing on bottom teeth. I know I should trust my doctor\'s decision, but I really don\'t know how i can bite in the future if he is doing absolutely nothing with my bottom teeth. I myself work as a dental assistant in a general practice, even my boss said he doesn\'t know how my teeth can bite, he is a general dentist. C) I am really afraid in the end of my treatment my overjet is totally not corrected. Is there any other way to treat this? If it\'s really not possible to reopen the closed space on my upper teeth, is it possible to shape the teeth smaller or perhaps have a crown made small to create space. Im thinking i rather have my bottom teeth treated and think about solutions for my upper teeth later... Any professional help would be greatly appreciated. I live in New York City.
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Answer: Corrective treatment
Being a dental assistant, I would first recommend you seeking treatment from the Orthodontist your office refers to. This would erase any doubt on the morals and treatment objections you may have in regards to the Orthodontist. Usually the general dentist has a good working relationship with an Orthodontist as well as additional specialty offices. Before committing to orthodontic treatment or a new provider, you should sit down for a full consultation. This will address the treatment objectives and plan to accomplish your treatment goals. This is a normal practice for a great orthodontist. Sometimes, general dentists can take additional continuing education courses to place brackets and bands. Be sure you are seeing an orthodontist and not a general dentist. Usually you are seen by an Orthodontist every 4-6 weeks, however going a little longer (1 month) would not cause such drastic movements as once the wires become loose after initial movement, there is a stagnancy for a period of time. As far as the lower teeth, he may be waiting for more movement in the maxillary arch prior to progressing with the lower. Sometimes elastic rubber bands will be used during the final phase of treatment in order to shift the bite as well as correct overjet. It is often normal for your bite to shift many times during Orthodontic treatment. It is possible to re-open small spaces on the maxillary arch in order to place cosmetic restorations after your orthodontic treatment has been completed. It is best to seek a cosmetic dentists opinion and have her/him discuss your goals with your orthodontist. Ask your orthodontist to address your treatment concerns at your next visit, this should not be a problem as they are working hard to make you proud of your smile.
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