Very swollen gums

My daughter is 13 months old. She has about 6 teeth already. Her incisors were first to come. She is now in a great deal of pain getting her K9's. But her gums are so swollen that they are just about covering her incisors. Is this normal? And they are very very red and inflamed.

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Answer: Infant Oral Hygiene

By Expert 10

Red inflamed gingival tissue is a good indicator that your daughter is suffering from gingivitis, inflammation of the tissues. It is reversible and can easily be treated at home. You should be brushing your daughters teeth and gums with a toothbrush or washcloth everyday at least once. It is best to formulate a habit twice a day, just as an adult. This will get the child comfortable with cleaning their mouth and form comfort with oral hygiene. Bleeding may occur while the first few times, this is normal. Just wipe and rinse the area thoroughly with water. It should improve or clear completely within a few days, if no improvement, schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist immediately.

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