Underbite Facial Profile
Hi I am 18 I have an underbite- I dont know how the severity of them is classed- but I know mine is not that severe- when I smile you cannot see the bottom teeth, if I try I can align the top and bottom teeth, the underbite is only prominent when my mouth is closed- it is prominent only when my mouth is closed and ESPECIALLY when I bite down- it is VERY prominent- the jaw looks massive. The distance between the top set and bottom set is slightly less than a cm. In the consultation the orthodontist said that surgery was really not necessary. The underbite can be fixed with just braces- however we had never discussed how facial aesthetics would be affected- so given I knew nothing about either treatment I couldnt assume that any difference would possibly exist and so agreed to non surgery just braces. I am starting to get an increasingly stronger feeling as I research online that there is negligable change in facial profile when you have braces only to fix the bite. Is this true? If so I am absolutely disappointed. Will the sunken "bulldog" look still be there? If so what a waste of 3 years it will have been. The way my face will look is a big deal to me. WHEN I ALIGN BOTH UPPER AND LOWER SETS OF TEETH TOGETHER THEY BOTH MANAGE TO TOUCH(just)- AND MY SIDE PROFILE LOOKS AS IF IT WOULD FOR ANY PERSON WITH NORMAL BITE. This normal side profile is what I also want- It is in my usual state(when I dont try to align) than the big jaw look is noticable. SURELY IF I CAN ACHIEVE A NORMAL LOOKING SIDE PROFILE BY ALIGNING MYSELF- AFTER 3 YEARS WHEN BRACES HAVE DONE THEIR JOB- MY SIDE PROFILE WILL BE NORMAL TOO REGARDLESS OF WHETHER IN MY USUAL STATE OR NOT? If this is the case then there is absolutely no problem and will continue with the way things are planned- if not I will try to convince my orthodontist to try surgery if it is the only way. Extra Details: I had my spacers taken off a few weeks ago and had the 4 metal things they put on the molars. So it is still early days. My next appointment is in exactly two weeks- she said the top brace would be put on first(crooked tooth is also being fixed) and later extraction when I was ready so that the actual underbite treatment could begin. I dont want to go through 3 years of this just for an imperfection to remain- If I'm going to do it especially at this age I want it to be totally fixed- even if takes a bit more pain- after all with surgery it would still take same amount of time. Thank you for reading this far- what is your opinion about the side profile- bulldog look - and what do think I should do/what should I ask her next time I see her in two weeks- I dont want her to be angry at me for wasting more time. Thanks again.
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