My implant cover screw came out
My dental implant cover screw came out for 2 days before I could have it replaced(the implant was placed 3 mos ago and I was just cleared to get my tooth). It was quite painful when replacing, and the tissue had started growing over already, but my surgeon said the implant was solid as a rock. Within a few hours I had more pain and swelling. The next day even more pain and swelling- couldn’t close my lips all the way… the pain is throbbing and severe, even after taking motrin around the clock and ice compresses. They didn’t clean my mouth or the implant hole out before they replaced the screw… I asked about it and was told it wasn’t necessary. I don't know if it mattered, but now I think its infected, and It’s the weekend of course, so the on call dentist put me on amoxicillin which I have been on for 24hrs now with no change in the pain or swelling yet. Will this get better soon, or may I need IV antibiotics? Please help, I am so miserable!
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