Are my teeth strong enough for braces? Could I have dental implants or veneers and caps
Hello my name is Matthew I am 15.My teeth are not in very good condition at all. I have had a few teeth extracted when I was younger and I have intrinsic stains on some of my teeth.My teeth are fairly yellow.I have had an abscess which was a nightmare. I have an impacted wisdom tooth in need of removal, My dentist told my parents I would have an appointment at a hospital to have it removed, the appointment was cancelled and my dentist notified the hospital again, but I haven't heard from them. I have a few fillings. Most importantly I went to the dentist a few months ago(last year) and I told him I was concerned about my 'Bite', he then examined it and confirmed I have a cross bite and I will probably need braces to fix it. I personally know my teeth are in a bad state and I am missing a few, I would like veeners and caps or dental implants but I doubt that would be possible. I was very surprised that the dentists I have had over the years have not noticed my crossbite and I think something should have been done earlier to correct this. I also fear I may have lost some bone. One of my top molars is sensitive when I shake my head or run. My breath smells very bad even though I brush my teeth, use mouthwash, floss, clean my tongue and drink water It really affects my confidence, I hate talking to people and I just want some help. thank you, kind regards matthew.
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Answer: Regaining confidence
By Sarah h
Dental Professional
The first step is to have a full mouth series of radiographs taken by your dentist and a comprehensive dental examination. Sit down with your dentist and tell him/her your goals and concerns. You are very young and your smile and confidence can both be regained. You need a healthy foundation, so maintaining your periodontal health is very important. The bad taste/odor you are experiencing may be coming from the infected wisdom tooth, which can pose a danger to your health. Ask your dentist for an antibiotic and a referral to an oral surgeon. Once your tooth is extracted, gums are healthy and all carious lesions are restored, you will be ready for an orthodontic consultation. Sometimes an orthodontist can close spaces where teeth were removed at a young age, or open spaces for future implant placement. Lastly, the cosmetics such a teeth whitening and veneers takes place. This will take time and patience to accomplish, but doing it properly to reach your goals and expectations will be worth the investment. The important thing now is to get you healthy and create a plan to restore your smile.
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