Dental Implants Questions

mouth emergency

i need major work done on my teeth and always in constant pain im missing teeth and know i have a couple of cavities .i have not been to the dentist in 7 years, i have no insurance but i know i need to see one immediately my teeth are embarrassing

Is metal ALWAYS used?

I would like to get implants on my lower jaw but because of a brain difficulty I will need MRI's at least twice a year. I worry about metal and MRI's. Any new products or ideas for me?

Should I get dental implants or opt for something else?

I am congenitally missing teeth #7 and #10 (Upper Lateral Incisors). These have been missing for all of my life, and x-rays reveal that they are not in the gums. The teeth behind them simply had moved forward more and partially filled that empty...

Fixed Bridge (Answered)

I have a implant on #30. Tooth #29 has to extracted. Can we do a fixed bridge from #30 (implant) to #28 this is my tooth. What is the best think to do? Thanks, lilli

Implants during wearing of Braces

I have braces at this time and have about 6 months left of tretment before they are removed. I also need 3 implants. Is it possible to start the process of the surgical implants now or do I have to wait until the braces are removed?

to finish the pain

i am 16 years old and from 2 years my dental treatment is continued but today after implantation its paining a lot so what should i do?

Back teeth removed, will this affect speech? (Answered)

Hi there, I recently had 2 back teeth from the bottom removed (near the middle) and I was wondering if these will affect my speech or pronunciation? Thank you. Chris

Implant Cost To Add Crown? (Answered)

I have a dental implant but donot have the abutment and crown. I do have the exposed metal protective cap though. I was wondering what the average cost of the completion of this procedure.

Should I get a dental implant? (Answered)

Hi, I'm 19 years old and I've been missing my #8 tooth for about 11 years due to an unfortunate accident. It has passed my midline and the gap has closed where my tooth is supposed to be. I was wondering about getting a dental implant, but I know...

What Is The Solution To Sensitive Teeth?

In May this year I got root canal with cap of last 3 upper teet and cleaning of all teeth.After that all have become sensitive and can\'t take cold and hot things Particularly when eatable touches the teeth of root canal. Pl provide the solution.

Pain when I push on my gums (Answered)

I had an implant put in over a year ago and when I push on my gums where it is, it hurts slightly.

Impacted Tooth Never Grew In (Answered)

i have an impacted left canine tooth i had braces previously and the ortho said the tooth would grow in....but that was 3 years ago haha and it still hasnt grown in.. i am a senior in high school and i have a huge gap in that spot and i am reallly...

Facial Swelling Daily Due To Braces Or Implants?

I've had braces for 3 years and I just had 2 teeth implants done about 8 months ago. I got my braces off a month and a half ago and I wear my clear retainers at night and have a top and bottom bonded retainer. Since I had braces I've noticed my face...

Do Crowns Last Your Entire LIfe? (Answered)

My 7 yr old child had a steel door hit her in the face she had 2 upper centrals chipped and 2 lower centrals chipped/broken she had to have 2 root canals on the lower centrals, she has also had post and core done but she needs braces to make...

Need teeth replaced (Answered)

whats the cost to getting approx. 10 teeth replaced?