Why is my wisdom teeth falling apart?
My two top wisdoms are falling apart. I’m pulling chunks of tooth out of my mouth while I’m eating. Both are white but grey under the surface one of my wisdom teeth is almost even with my gums. What do I do? Will they fall out on their own?
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Answer: wisdom teeth breaking down
By Sarah h
Dental Professional
From the photo you submitted without seeing any dental xrays, it appears that your upper wisdom teeth have decay present. That is most likely the reason that they are breaking down. It could also be that you fractured or chipped one or both of the teeth with your oral piercing, which made the tooth susceptible to caries. Either way, the teeth will not fall out on their own. Primary teeth, or baby teeth are pushed out by our permanent teeth during eruption. However, you do not get a third set of teeth. You will need to see a dentist or an oral surgeon to have the teeth removed. Leaving the teeth untreated will allow for an infection of the nerve to occur as well as the possibility of a peridontal issue. Do not wait, the more tooth that is missing, the more difficult the extraction of the remaining pieces it becomes. The sooner you are evaluated and treated the better.
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