Swelling and painful roof of mouth and white tint
I was off work for about a year and a half. And i just went back to work 2 days ago. I am a flat roofer. I sometimes have to tear off old roofs and replace them with new. The roof we started 2 days ago is an old roof so it has black tar pitch in it. It can cause skin burns and other things. It was roughly 40°f lots of heavy breathing but at the end of the day i tried eating some chicken pieces from a pizza place and as soon as i ate the first piece the roof of my mouth began to swell in a u shape in a way and became very painful. Everytime i have tried eating since, the same thing happens please help im on day 3 of pretty much no food. There is a very small bump i can feel with my tounge but my Gf cant see it. Also the roof of my mouth has a white tint to it.
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Answer: Swelling and painful roof of mouth
By Sarah h
Dental Professional
If the food was very hot, it is possible that you burnt your palate and the white tint is the sloughing skin. It can be very painful and produce a blister just as a burn on your skin would. The good news is, the mouth heals very quickly and you should start feeling better within a few days. If the skin has already sloughed off, the new skin underneath can be very tender and foods can be abrasive against it. A soft diet is advised until you are feeling better.
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